Click for overall list of YEAR 2009 (mixed, earlier go by the specialty field) |
(Year) - Authors - Title -
Journal/Source |
(The literature selection is based on a single keyword "everglades") |
(2010) Abudalo, R.A., Ryan, J.N., Harvey, R.W., Metge, D.W. and Landkamer, L. Influence of organic matter on the transport of Cryptosporidium parvum oocysts in a ferric oxyhydroxide-coated quartz sand saturated porous medium. Water Research 44(4), 1104-1113. |
(2010) Ahn, M.C., Kim, B., Holsen, T.M., Yi, S.M. and Han, Y.J. Factors influencing concentrations of dissolved gaseous mercury (DGM) and total mercury (TM) in an artificial reservoir.
Environmental Pollution 158(2), 347-355. |
(2010) Altunkaynak, A. and Wang, K.H. Triple diagram models for prediction of suspended solid concentration in Lake Okeechobee, Florida. Journal of Hydrology 387(3-4), 165-175. |
(2010) Bao, K.S., Yu, X.F., Jia, L. and Wang, G.P. Recent Carbon Accumulation in Changbai Mountain Peatlands, Northeast China. Mountain Research and Development 30(1), 33-41. |
(2010) Barr, J.G., Engel, V., Fuentes, J.D., Zieman, J.C., O'Halloran, T.L., Smith, T.J. and Anderson, G.H. Controls on mangrove forest-atmosphere carbon dioxide exchanges in western Everglades National Park. Journal of Geophysical Research-Biogeosciences 115( |
(2010) Barringer, J.L., Riskin, M.L., Szabo, Z., Reilly, P.A., Rosman, R., Bonin, J.L., Fischer, J.M. and Heckathorn, H.A. Mercury and methylmercury dynamics in a coastal plain watershed, New Jersey, USA.
Water Air and Soil Pollution 212(1-4), 251-273. |
(2010) Bellinger, B.J., Gretz, M.R., Domozych, D.S., Kiemle, S.N. and Hagerthey, S.E. Composition of Extracellular Polymeric Substances from Periphyton Assemblages in the Florida Everglades.
Journal of Phycology 46(3), 484-496. |
(2010) Bellinger, B.J. and Hagerthey, S.E. Presence and Diversity of Algal Toxins in Subtropical Peatland Periphyton: The Florida Everglades, Usa1.
Journal of Phycology 46(4), 674-678. |
(2010) Bennett, B.C. An Everglades Providence: Marjory Stoneman Douglas and the American Environmental Century.
Agricultural History 84(4), 560-561. |
(2010) Bhadha, J.H. and Jawitz, J.W. Characterizing deep soils from an impacted subtropical isolated wetland: implications for phosphorus storage.
Journal of Soils and Sediments 10(3), 514-525. |
(2010) Bostic, E.M., White, J.R., Corstanje, R. and Reddy, K.R. Redistribution of Wetland Soil Phosphorus Ten Years after the Conclusion of Nutrient Loading.
Soil Science Society of America Journal 74(5), 1808-1815. |
(2010) Brix, H., Lorenzen, B., Mendelssohn, I.A., McKee, K.L. and Miao, S.L. Can differences in phosphorus uptake kinetics explain the distribution of cattail and sawgrass in the Florida Everglades ?
Bmc Plant Biology 10( |
(2010) Brooks, W.R. and Jordan, R.C. Enhanced interspecific territoriality and the invasion success of the spotted tilapia (Tilapia mariae) in South Florida.
Biological Invasions 12(4), 865-874. |
(2010) Brown, J.L. Federal Funding Advances Everglades Restoration.
Civil Engineering 80(4), 16. |
(2010) Campbell, J.W., Waters, M.N., Tarter, A. and Jackson, J. Heavy Metal and Selenium Concentrations in Liver Tissue from Wild American Alligator (Alligator Mississippiensis) Livers near Charleston, South Carolina. Journal of Wildlife Diseases 46(4), 1234-1241. |
(2010) Cardel, Y.J. and Koptur, S. Effects of Florivory on the Pollination of Flowers: An Experimental Field Study with a Perennial Plant.
International Journal of Plant Sciences 171(3), 283-292. |
(2010) Carriger, J.F., Hoang, T.C. and Rand, G.M. Survival Time Analysis of Least Killifish (Heterandria formosa) and Mosquitofish (Gambusia affinis) in Acute Exposures to Endosulfan Sulfate. Archives of Environmental Contamination and Toxicology 58(4), 1015-1022. |
(2010) Castaneda-Moya, E., Twilley, R.R., Rivera-Monroy, V.H., Zhang, K.Q., Davis, S.E. and Ross, M. Sediment and Nutrient Deposition Associated with Hurricane Wilma in Mangroves of the Florida Coastal Everglades.
Estuaries and Coasts 33(1), 45-58. |
(2010) Ceyhun, O. and Yalcin, A. Remote sensing of water depths in shallow waters via artificial neural networks.
Estuarine Coastal and Shelf Science 89(1), 89-96. |
(2010) Chen, C.S. Abundance trends of two neon flying squid (Ommastrephes bartramii) stocks in the North Pacific.
Ices Journal of Marine Science 67(7), 1336-1345. |
(2010) Chen, M.L., Price, R.M., Yamashita, Y. and Jaffe, R. Comparative study of dissolved organic matter from groundwater and surface water in the Florida coastal Everglades using multi-dimensional spectrofluorometry combined with multivariate statistics.
Applied Geochemistry 25(6), 872-880. |
(2010) Dadone, L.I., Klaphake, E., Garner, M.M., Schwahn, D., Sigler, L., Trupkiewicz, J.G., Myers, G. and Barrie, M.T. Pituitary Cystadenoma, Enterolipidosis, and Cutaneous Mycosis in an Everglades Ratsnake (Elaphe Obsoleta Rossalleni).
Journal of Zoo and Wildlife Medicine 41(3), 538-541. |
(2010) Danalatos, N.G. and Archontoulis, S.V. Growth and biomass productivity of kenaf (Hibiscus cannabinus, L.) under different agricultural inputs and management practices in central Greece.
Industrial Crops and Products 32(3), 231-240. |
(2010) de Andres, E.F., Tenorio, J.L. and Walter, I. Biomass production and nutrient concentration of kenaf grown on sewage sludge-amended soil. Spanish Journal of Agricultural Research 8(2), 472-480. |
(2010) DeAngelis, D.L., Trexler, J.C., Cosner, C., Obaza, A. and Jopp, F. Fish population dynamics in a seasonally varying wetland.
Ecological Modelling 221(8), 1131-1137. |
(2010) Deng, Y., Solo-Gabriele, H.M., Laas, M., Leonard, L., Childers, D.L., He, G.Q. and Engel, V. Impacts of hurricanes on surface water flow within a wetland.
Journal of Hydrology 392(3-4), 164-173. |
(2010) Dobbs, G.R. Raising Cane in the 'Glades: The Global Sugar Trade and the Transformation of Florida - Book Review.
Geographical Research 48(4), 440-441. |
(2010) Duncan, B.W., Adrian, F.W. and Stolen, E.D. Isolating the lightning ignition regime from a contemporary background fire regime in east-central Florida, USA. Canadian Journal of Forest Research-Revue Canadienne De Recherche Forestiere 40(2), 286-297.
(2010) FDEP - Florida Department of Environmental Protection,
Appendix 3A-1: Summary of Water Year 2009 Water Quality Monitoring Results. 4. |
(2010) Fisher, M.M. and Reddy, K.R. Estimating the Stability of Organic Phosphorus in Wetland Soils.
Soil Science Society of America Journal 74(4), 1398-1405. |
(2010a) Florea, L.J. and McGee, D.K. Stable isotopic and geochemical variability within shallow groundwater beneath a hardwood hammock and surface water in an adjoining slough (Everglades National Park, Florida, USA).
Isotopes in Environmental and Health Studies 46(2), 190-209. |
(2010b) Florea, L.J. and McGee, D.K. Stable isotopic and geochemical variability within shallow groundwater beneath a hardwood hammock and surface water in an adjoining slough (Everglades National Park, Florida, USA) (vol 46/2, pg 190, 2010).
Isotopes in Environmental and Health Studies 46(3), 405-405. |
(2010) Fujisaki, I., Pearlstine, L.G. and Mazzotti, F.J. Validation of daily surface water depth model of the Greater Everglades based on real-time stage monitoring and aerial ground elevation survey. Wetlands Ecology and Management 18(1), 17-26.
(2010) Gardner, L.M. and White, J.R. Denitrification Enzyme Activity as an Indicator of Nitrate Movement through a Diversion Wetland. Soil Science Society of America Journal 74(3), 1037-1047. |
(2010) Giebel, B.M., Swart, P.K. and Riemer, D.D. delta C-13 Stable Isotope Analysis of Atmospheric Oxygenated Volatile Organic Compounds by Gas Chromatography-Isotope Ratio Mass Spectrometry.
Analytical Chemistry 82(16), 6797-6806. |
(2010) Glaz, B. and Morris, D.R. Sugarcane Responses to Water-Table Depth and Periodic Flood.
Agronomy Journal 102(2), 372-380. |
(2010) Gondwe, B.R.N., Hong, S.H., Wdowinski, S. and Bauer-Gottwein, P. Hydrologic Dynamics of the Ground-Water-Dependent Sian Ka'an Wetlands, Mexico, Derived from InSAR and SAR Data.
Wetlands 30(1), 1-13.
(2010) Hackley, P.C., SanFilipo, J.R., Azizi, G.P., Davis, P.A. and Starratt, S.W. Organic petrology of subbituminous carbonaceous shale samples from Chalaw, Kabul Province, Afghanistan: Considerations for paleoenvironment and energy resource potential.
International Journal of Coal Geology 81(4), 269-280. |
(2010a) Hagerthey, S.E., Cole, J.J. and Kilbane, D. Aquatic metabolism in the Everglades: Dominance of water column heterotrophy.
Limnology and Oceanography 55(2), 653-666. |
(2010b) Hagerthey, S.E., Newman, S. and Gottlieb, A. Freshwater salinity and algal ecology: linking Everglades periphyton responses to physiological mechanisms.
Journal of Phycology |
(2010) Haitjema, H., Gusyev, M. and Wilsnack, M. Truncating Cross-Sectional Groundwater Models under Wetlands.
Journal of Hydrologic Engineering 15(7), 537-543. |
(2010) Hall, S.J. and Zedler, J.B. Constraints on Sedge Meadow Self-Restoration in Urban Wetlands.
Restoration Ecology 18(5), 671-680. |
(2010) Han, Y., Wang, Y.Q. and Zhao, Y.S. Estimating Soil Moisture Conditions of the Greater Changbai Mountains by Land Surface Temperature and NDVI.
IEEE Transactions on Geoscience and Remote Sensing 48(6), 2509-2515. |
(2010) Hanan, E.J. and Ross, M.S. Across-scale patterning of plant-soil-water interactions surrounding tree islands in Southern Everglades landscapes.
Landscape Ecology 25(3), 463-476. |
(2010) Hanan, E.J., Ross, M.S., Ruiz, P.L. and Sah, J.P. Multi-Scaled Grassland-Woody Plant Dynamics in the Heterogeneous Marl Prairies of the Southern Everglades.
Ecosystems 13(8), 1256-1274. |
(2010) Hanlon, E.A., Fan, X.H., Gu, B., Migliaccio, K.W., Li, Y.C. and Dreschel, T.W. Water Quality Trends at Inflows to Everglades National Park, 1977-2005.
Journal of Environmental Quality 39(5), 1724-1733. |
(2010) Harris, W.G., Chrysostome, M., Obreza, T.A. and Nair, V.D. Soil Properties Pertinent to Horticulture in Florida.
Horttechnology 20(1), 10-18. |
(2010) Hayes-Conroy, A. Raising Cane in the 'Glades: The Global Sugar Trade and the Transformation of Florida.
Annals of the Association of American Geographers 100(2), 483-485. |
(2010) He, G., Engel, V., Leonard, L., Croft, A., Childers, D., Laas, M., Deng, Y. and Solo-Gabriele, H.M. Factors Controlling Surface Water Flow in a Low-gradient Subtropical Wetland.
Wetlands 30(2), 275-286. |
(2010) Hearn, P.P., Strong, D., Swain, E., Pearlstine, L., Claggett, and Donato, D. The IMMAGE Project - Internet-based Modeling, Mapping, and Analysis for the Greater Everglades. GEER'10 Conference, Naples, FL, July 2010 (slide show and audio = VID). |
(2010a) Herring, G., Ackerman, J.T. and Eagles-Smith, C.A. Embryo Malposition as a Potential Mechanism for Mercury-Induced Hatching Failure in Bird Eggs.
Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry 29(8), 1788-1794. |
(2010b) Herring, G., Gawlik, D.E., Cook, M.I. and Beerens, J.M. Sensitivity of Nesting Great Egrets (Ardea Alba) and White Ibises (Eudocimus albus) to Reduced Prey Availability.
Auk 127(3), 660-670. |
(2010) Hickey, T.D., Hine, A.C., Shinn, E.A., Kruse, S.E. and Poore, R.Z. Pleistocene Carbonate Stratigraphy of South Florida: Evidence for High-Frequency Sea-Level Cyclicity.
Journal of Coastal Research 26(4), 605-614. |
(2010a) Hong, S.H., Wdowinski, S. and Kim, S.W. Evaluation of TerraSAR-X Observations for Wetland InSAR Application.
IEEE Transactions on Geoscience and Remote Sensing 48(2), 864-873. |
(2010b) Hong, S.H., Wdowinski, S., Kim, S.W. and Won, J.S. Multi-temporal monitoring of wetland water levels in the Florida Everglades using interferometric synthetic aperture radar (InSAR).
Remote Sensing of Environment 114(11), 2436-2447. |
(2010) Hutchinson, J.T., Langeland, K.A., MacDonald, G.E. and Querns, R. Absorption and Translocation of Glyphosate, Metsulfuron, and Triclopyr in Old World Climbing Fern (Lygodium microphyllum).
Weed Science 58(2), 118-125. |
(2010) Ikenaga, M., Guevara, R., Dean, A.L., Pisani, C. and Boyer, J.N. Changes in Community Structure of Sediment Bacteria Along the Florida Coastal Everglades Marsh-Mangrove-Seagrass Salinity Gradient.
Microbial Ecology 59(2), 284-295. |
(2010) Iricanin, N. Rebuttal Report of Nenad Iricanin, PhD. Case No. 88-1886-Civ-Moreno.
South Florida Water Management District, West Palm Beach, FL, 21. |
(2010) Janardhanan, L. and Daroub, S.H. Phosphorus Sorption in Organic Soils in South Florida.
Soil Science Society of America Journal 74(5), 1597-1606. |
(2010) Jones, T.J., Luton, C.D., Santiago, L.S. and Goldstein, G. Hydraulic constraints on photosynthesis in subtropical evergreen broad leaf forest and pine woodland trees of the Florida Everglades.
Trees-Structure and Function 24(3), 471-478. |
(2010) Jopp, F., DeAngelis, D.L. and Trexler, J.C. Modeling seasonal dynamics of small fish cohorts in fluctuating freshwater marsh landscapes.
Landscape Ecology 25(7), 1041-1054. |
(2010) Ju, S. and DeAngelis, D.L. Nutrient fluxes at the landscape level and the R* rule.
Ecological Modelling 221(2), 141-146. |
(2010) Kaplan, D., Munoz-Carpena, R. and Ritter, A. Untangling complex shallow groundwater dynamics in the floodplain wetlands of a southeastern US coastal river.
Water Resources Research 46( |
(2010) Key, P.B., Chung, K.W., Venturella, J.J., Shaddrick, B. and Fulton, M.H. Acute toxic effects of endosulfan sulfate on three life stages of grass shrimp, Palaemonetes pugio.
Journal of Environmental Science and Health Part B-Pesticides Food Contaminants and Agricultural Wastes 45(1), 53-57. |
(2010) Khalil, A.F., Kwon, H.H., Lall, U. and Kaheil, Y.H. Predictive downscaling based on non-homogeneous hidden Markov models.
Hydrological Sciences Journal-Journal Des Sciences Hydrologiques 55(3), 333-350. |
(2010) King, R.S. and Baker, M.E. Considerations for analyzing ecological community thresholds in response to anthropogenic environmental gradients.
Journal of the North American Benthological Society 29(3), 998-1008. |
(2010) Kuo, Y.M. and Lin, H.J. Dynamic factor analysis of long-term growth trends of the intertidal seagrass Thalassia hemprichii in southern Taiwan.
Estuarine Coastal and Shelf Science 86(2), 225-236. |
(2010) Kwon, H.Y., Grunwald, S., Beck, H.W., Jung, Y.C., Daroub, S.H., Lang, T.A. and Morgan, K.T. Modeling of Phosphorus Loads in Sugarcane in a Low-Relief Landscape Using Ontology-based Simulation. Journal of Environmental Quality 39(5), 1751-1761. |
(2010) Lago, M.E., Miralles-Wilhelm, F., Mahmoudi, M. and Engel, V. Numerical modeling of the effects of water flow, sediment transport and vegetation growth on the spatiotemporal patterning of the ridge and slough landscape of the Everglades wetland.
Advances in Water Resources 33(10), 1268-1278. |
(2010) Lang, T.A., Oladeji, O., Josan, M. and Daroub, S. Environmental and management factors that influence drainage water P loads from Everglades Agricultural Area farms of South Florida.
Agriculture Ecosystems & Environment 138(3-4), 170-180. |
(2010) Lantz, S.M., Gawlik, D.E. and Cook, M.I. The Effects of Water Depth and Submerged Aquatic Vegetation on the Selection of Foraging Habitat and Foraging Success of Wading Birds. Condor 112(3), 460-469. |
(2010) Larsen, L.G., Aiken, G.R., Harvey, J.W., Noe, G.B. and Crimaldi, J.P. Using fluorescence spectroscopy to trace seasonal DOM dynamics, disturbance effects, and hydrologic transport in the Florida Everglades. Journal of Geophysical Research-Biogeosciences 115( |
(2010) Larsen, L.G. and Harvey, J.W. How Vegetation and Sediment Transport Feedbacks Drive Landscape Change in the Everglades and Wetlands Worldwide.
American Naturalist 176(3), E66-E79. |
(2010) Lehman, P.W., Mayr, S., Mecum, L. and Enright, C. The freshwater tidal wetland Liberty Island, CA was both a source and sink of inorganic and organic material to the San Francisco Estuary.
Aquatic Ecology 44(2), 359-372. |
(2010) Lewis, D.E., White, J.R., Wafula, D., Athar, R., Dickerson, T., Williams, H.N. and Chauhan, A. Soil Functional Diversity Analysis of a Bauxite-Mined Restoration hronosequence.
Microbial Ecology 59(4), 710-723. |
(2010) Li, S.W., Lissner, J., Mendelssohn, I.A., Brix, H., Lorenzen, B., McKee, K.L. and Miao, S.L. Nutrient and growth responses of cattail (Typha domingensis) to redox intensity and phosphate availability.
Annals of Botany 105(1), 175-184. |
(2010) Li, X., Nour, M.H., Smith, D.W. and Prepas, E.E. Neural networks modelling of nitrogen export: model development and application to unmonitored boreal forest watersheds.
Environmental Technology 31(5), 495-510. |
(2010) Li, Y.B., Mao, Y.X., Liu, G.L., Tachiev, G., Roelant, D., Feng, X.B. and Cai, Y. Degradation of Methylmercury and Its Effects on Mercury Distribution and Cycling in the Florida Everglades.
Environmental Science & Technology 44(17), 6661-6666. |
(2010) Liu, D.Y. and Song, C.C. Effects of inorganic nitrogen and phosphorus enrichment on the emission of N2O from a freshwater marsh soil in Northeast China.
Environmental Earth Sciences 60(4), 799-807. |
(2010) Liu, G.D., Gu, B., Miao, S.L., Li, Y.C., Migliaccio, K.W. and Qian, Y. Phosphorus Release from Ash and Remaining Tissues of Two Wetland Species after a Prescribed Fire. Journal of Environmental Quality 39(5), 1585-1593. |
2010 |
"Everglades" literature (M-Z) for year 2010 - CONTINUED on a separate page